Meet Rita Cserbik, a young Hungarian artist who believes in breaking the rules to create vibrant and daring abstract expressionist art inspired by Reigl Judit, Jackson Pollock and Joan Mitchell. Rita's work focuses on issues and solutions, using action painting to bring colorful and cheeky artworks to life. Through her dynamic and energetic paintings, she invites viewers to see reality in a fresh and vibrant way, encouraging them to embrace boldness and innovation in their own lives. With a captivating and engaging personality, Rita Cserbik has graced numerous appearances (Marie Claire, Kortársonline etc) and exhibitions, showcasing her vibrant and dynamic abstract expressionist artworks to captivated audiences around the world. Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her use of action painting captures the energy and movement of her vibrant artworks, inviting viewers to experience reality in a new and dynamic way. Rita's paintings focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, boldness, and innovation in their own lives.